
Photographers Covering 2020

It isn’t over yet, but 2020 has been a real rollercoaster so far—from surviving a volcanic eruption to battling a global pandemic. What has it been like to photograph the biggest stories of 2020?

It isn’t over yet, but 2020 has been a real rollercoaster so far—from surviving a volcanic eruption to battling a global pandemic. What has it been like to photograph the biggest stories of 2020? Paco Guerrero and guest host Sonny Thakur talk to fellow photographers Eloisa Lopez, Kimberly dela Cruz, and Veejay Villafranca about documenting 2020, the new challenges in local photography, and what the industry needs moving forward.

Find Eloisa Lopez: instagram.com/eloisalopez

Find Kimberly Dela Cruz: instagram.com/kimiisstellar

Find Veejay Villafranca: instagram.com/vjvillafranca

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